
Qual é a diferença entre chest e breast ?

By A Mystery Man Writer

Sinônimo de chest I would actually only call the blue area "breast" on a woman, but I don't think I'm allowed to post a woman's naked breasts here. You might see them used interchangeably in old literature, but this diagram should help for modern everyday English. |The breasts are the two organs located on the chest. The chest is the area of the body from the neck to the abdomen, and where the breasts are. |Chest- the part on your upper body where your lungs are located. "When I tan, I like to lay on my chest." Breast- located on the chest, most commonly in female adolecents and adults. "Breast cancer is a common disease, mostly found in women and rarely found in men."
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Qual é a diferença entre chest e breast ?

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Qual é a diferença entre chest e breast ?

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Qual é a diferença entre chest e breast ?

Qual é a diferença entre Chest e Breast ?

Qual é a diferença entre chest e breast ?

Breast measurement - Wikipedia